Chronic Kidney Disease

The table "Chronic_Kidney_Disease_data.csv" contains detailed information on 1659 patients, including demographics, medical history, lifestyle factors, and lab results, making it a valuable resource for studying risk factors and outcomes related to chronic kidney disease. Researchers can use this data to identify patterns, correlations, and potential interventions to improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden of this condition. (AI-generated)

PatientID, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, SocioeconomicStatus, EducationLevel, BMI, Smoking, AlcoholConsumption, PhysicalActivity, DietQuality, SleepQuality, FamilyHistoryKidneyDisease, FamilyHistoryHypertension, FamilyHistoryDiabetes, PreviousAcuteKidneyInjury, UrinaryTractInfections, SystolicBP, DiastolicBP, FastingBloodSugar, ...