This table contains data on various attributes related to Real Time Internet of Things (IoT) attacks, including packet counts, payload sizes, flow durations, and attack types, among others. It can be used to analyze and understand the characteristics and patterns of IoT attacks, as well as develop strategies for detection and prevention. (AI-generated)
no, id.orig_p, id.resp_p, protocol, service, flow_duration, fwd_pkts_tot, bwd_pkts_tot, fwd_data_pkts_tot, bwd_data_pkts_tot, fwd_pkts_per_sec, bwd_pkts_per_sec, flow_pkts_per_sec, down_up_ratio, fwd_header_size_tot, fwd_header_size_min, fwd_header_size_max, bwd_header_size_tot, bwd_header_size_min, bwd_header_size_max, ...